Stay Frosty

Introducing the new Military/Sci-Fi short story:

The Dead Man Division is now complete and on Wattpad!

I’ve been wanting to write this book for a full year now, but kept putting it off. Finally when I found myself in a deep hole of misery and uncertainty for my writing future, I said, “screw it” and starting writing it. The journey was fun and fruitful. I finished a good story and rekindled my love for writing. Plus I got some Pokemon in. So win/win…win!

If you check out the “Short Story” section of the website, you’ll get more of an insider’s look at the writing process and story.

For now I’m looking to start writing “Wayward Hawk” in 2020, maybe get a first draft complete, we shall see. “Pidge on the Fridge” may be released as a single poem, or children’s book, it is undecided still.

Joseph Gillespie