I Went Viral!!!

Wow what can I say, but incredible!

If you are new here and wanted to know the story….

So I started streaming my writing on Twitch because I’ve been watching a friend do it for the last week and it looked like fun. Talk to people about your passion and books, listen to cool music while you do so. Hey, who knows, I might get a follower!!!

So I set up a testing round with my friend a couple nights back and I got like 5 views, and it was really fun. So the next evening I start streaming, I forgot to tell anyone I started it, but I thought, if I get one viewer that would mean the world to me. I got 2, but one was very chatty. His name was Karve. I made sure to answer all of his questions, even though he got pretty personally. He wanted to know about my time in Iraq, what I did in the Army, and if I was writing full time.

But I am ever passionate I was about my life and work, so I spilled my heart out and he ended up donating me 100 bucks! No doubt I was very excited and flattered. I asked him to join the discord, because…lol…I always try to get that place to liven up.

I didn’t think I would have see him again. I finished up my chapter and ended my stream.

But that wasn’t where the story ended. Later that night I get DM’d by a few friends that new people were joining the discord!!! Like 10-15 new faces.

They said they came from Instagram and Tiktok and told me I went viral.

Naturally I suspected the worst…did Karve record? Did I make an ass of myself?

But no, his video was very touching, and I’m forever gratefully he shared my story and now all of you can experience my work.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

Joseph Gillespie