Hey, its been a while, let's catch up

Hey guys, I have so many updates to share with you, but first, let’s start with where have I been since I went viral!

I went viral at the end of Jan 2022 and blew up the most in Feb of 2023. Since Feb i sold over 1300 books. 800 of those books in Feb alone. Its been unbelievable. I went from this no name, struggling author, to this cult indie author. In feb Vendetta’s Rise was in the top 20 best selling fantasy books on Amazon. You heard that right, I’m officially a best selling author!!!

And It hasn’t gone to my head, I promise you that, I am as humbled as ever that something like this could happen to me, so as my appreciation continues, I’ve kept the first 3 books in The Dragon Realms Saga on Royal Road for free and I continue to work on the books offering free updates on my discord.

I’ve since re-released “Prayers and Songs of the Dragon Realms” a newly desinged book that was once a companion piece strictly for poetry of the book and world, is now a poetry book and lore compendium. Yes, it contains tons of lore entries, from the Patreon the first 3 books, and some that I’ve never released!!! Also we have sketches done by our very own Megan Steadman, responsible for the bulk of my concept art and 3 of the 4 DRS book covers (including this one)!

But let’s talk updates now!

The Mage King has hit the 30k word mark and I think I’ll be able to get the first draft done by the end of the year.

Wintertide (the final book in the series and next) has had major updates and notes made on the “bones”. I now know the ending and its epilogue, but I’m still trying to figure out the bulk of the story.

The Dawndege War audio book is make large strides towards the finished product. I’ve been sharing some of the rough audio on my Patreon. Expect to see it on Audible in late September early October!

I’ve been streaming again, You can usually catch me during the weekday afternoons usually on Tuesdays and Thursdays and sometimes Wednesdays

Ill be adding a link to my twitch channel on the website, look for that!

Joseph Gillespie