Let's Catch Up!
It’s been awhile, hasn’t it?
I’d like to firstly say that I’m sorry I haven’t kept this blog up to date. My last post was back when Blood and Bounty was published back in August. It’s a new year, so let’s keep in touch!
So the stuff I’ve been up to:
Wayward Hawk is in full swing, I’m 17 chapters into the first draft and rewrote the outline at least 3 different times. I don’t like to guess timelines anymore, because I go on a lot of hiatuses, but I’d like to have the first draft done by the end of Spring.
I’ve been steadily posting the Dragon Realms Saga on the website Royal Road . You can still buy the physical or digital copies if you don’t like waiting for releases, but if you’d rather read the entire series for free, you can do it that way.
Blood and Bounty will be getting an audio book treatment in February! Lance Rassmussen is coming back aboard to narrate.
I’ll release updates on all of these things the more involved I become with them.