The Magic Hour

I often pondered when is the ideal time to get writing done. I found myself bouncing back between early mornings and late nights. Funny that I could never write in the afternoon.

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Joseph Gillespie
The story behind the Dragon Realms Saga

The Dragon Realms Saga began as a tabletop RPG that a friend and I developed as a means to just entertain ourselves while trapped in Jamica. We worked there a for a summer on a mango farm and aside from Gundam Wing in the afternoons, there really wasn’t much to do. So I did what I’ve always done out of sheer boredom, I made up a game.

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Influences and Inspirations

There are a few sources that I like to look towards when I need motivation to write my stories. Whether they be books, movies, video games, or even art. I tend to surround myself with the things I gain the most passion for, most.

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Joseph Gillespie